Some types of wild mushrooms in Victoria can be deadly!

I’ve been seeing lots of weird and wonderful mushrooms out on my walks lately thanks to the heavy rain we’ve had. But beware there are some types of wild mushrooms in Victoria that can be deadly to humans if consumed. Cooking, peeling or drying does not remove the poison. There have already been several people hospitalised due to wild mushroom consumption in Victoria.

Symptoms of poisoning can include vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain but even if symptoms subside people can subsequently die from liver damage. If you suspect you or your child may have consumed a poisonous mushroom, call the Poisons Information Centre for advice (13 11 26)- don’t wait for symptoms to occur! If you have the same concern for your pet, you can contact the Animal Poisons Centre on 1300 869 738. But don’t fret mushroom lovers, commercially sold mushrooms are still safe and a great addition to your veggie intake!