Important tips to make sure you’re using your asthma puffer correctly
Just a timely reminder as we make our way through the cold/flu season about how to correctly use a standard metered dose inhaler (MDI)** for asthma.
– EVERYONE should be using a SPACER with standard MDIs like the one in the photo. Spacers are not just for kids. They help the medication get right down into your lungs where it’s needed rather than onto your mouth/throat.
– Only put 1 puff of medication into the spacer at a time.
– You must shake your puffer BETWEEN EACH PUFF. Skipping this step means you could lose up to 30% of each subsequent dose!
– Get a good seal with your lips around the spacer and make sure your teeth/tongue don’t come in the way of the mouthpiece.
– Hold your breath for 5 SECONDS after you take the spacer out of your mouth.
– If you can’t take one deep breath to inhale the medication, 4 normal breaths in and out will also work.
– Remember to clean your spacer ONCE A MONTH and AFTER RECOVERING FROM A COLD. Do this by washing in clean water/ dishwashing liquid. Don’t rinse and leave to air dry (don’t wipe it clean as static builds up and makes medication stick to the sides)
– Poorly controlled hayfever can make asthma worse- see your doctor about how best to manage this.
– If your asthma is well controlled, you should not need to use your reliever more than 2 days a week; you should not be waking at night with symptoms and your activities should not be limited in any way by asthma
– Make sure you have an up to date asthma action plan from your GP before cold and flu season. Ask them to watch your technique and correct any mistakes.
– If you need to revise your puffer technique go to: for some great videos detailing correct technique
**Note that this information is only for standard MDIs. If your medication comes in a different delivery device, talk to your GP/pharmacist about correct technique.