Lifestyle medicine

IBS and diet


How diet can help manage your IBS Many people these days have heard of the low FODMAPS diet and with good reason- 80% of people with IBS get less symptoms when they try it! FODMAPS are a group of slowly digested sugars which the bacteria in your gut feed off. They are found [...]

IBS and diet2023-04-15T17:42:15+10:00

Quick lifestyle tips to relieve IBS symptoms


Simple lifestyle tips to manage IBS Lifestyle changes form a huge part of managing IBS symptoms. Here are some things I discuss with my patients: - Be active regularly. Exercise helps to get your gut moving which can help relieve bloating and gas. Even a 5-10 minute walk after meals can make a [...]

Quick lifestyle tips to relieve IBS symptoms2023-04-15T12:16:30+10:00



Dietary Changes for Cholesterol Why are cholesterol levels important, what should your numbers be and what dietary changes can help?

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