Irritable Bowel Syndrome

My Medicare


My Medicare is here! Registering with My Medicare helps strengthen the relationship between your family and your regular GP- so they can continue to be there for all your health needs. There are also perks like medicare rebates for longer phone consults with your usual GP. You need have a valid medicare card [...]

My Medicare2023-10-23T16:11:21+11:00

IBS and diet


How diet can help manage your IBS Many people these days have heard of the low FODMAPS diet and with good reason- 80% of people with IBS get less symptoms when they try it! FODMAPS are a group of slowly digested sugars which the bacteria in your gut feed off. They are found [...]

IBS and diet2023-04-15T17:42:15+10:00

What’s the deal with breath tests?


Do you need a breath test to diagnose IBS? Breath testing is no longer recommended for most people with IBS as first line investigation. Breath testing can be used to give an indication of whether you have an intolerance to sugars like lactose, fructose, sorbitol, sucrose and mannitol. The issue is that the [...]

What’s the deal with breath tests?2023-04-15T17:30:39+10:00

Quick lifestyle tips to relieve IBS symptoms


Simple lifestyle tips to manage IBS Lifestyle changes form a huge part of managing IBS symptoms. Here are some things I discuss with my patients: - Be active regularly. Exercise helps to get your gut moving which can help relieve bloating and gas. Even a 5-10 minute walk after meals can make a [...]

Quick lifestyle tips to relieve IBS symptoms2023-04-15T12:16:30+10:00
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